Saturday, June 11, 2011

Quiet House


welcome, it's been a while.

in the hustle and bustle of my busy life, you have been neglected.  but as I sit here on a Friday night, I can't escape you.  you are here & I am thankful.  my sweet angel baby is peacefully sleeping and my love is working late at the office. 

I stand and look out the window at the couple across the street watering their garden.  and then over at another pair of neighbors preparing for an early morning yard sale.  it isn't long until my mind returns to the conversation I had with another neighbor earlier today.  my heart is heavy.  they are hurting.  for some reason the Lord crossed our paths today and I don't believe it was a coincidence.  as I whisper a prayer for this family, I'm reminded of the neighbors who prayed over us just the night before.  a prayer for our ministry and the week we are about to spend with their own granddaughter.

 I begin to look at each house and not only see the neighbor and the friendly waves we exchange when we pass, but I see the person, the soul.  the souls that fill these houses.  Lord, are you calling me to be more than another friendly neighbor with a surface wave & smile.  Is that all I have to offer?  why in these past 5 years have these neighbors not gathered for at least one meal in my home?  best of intentions.  the story of my life.  when will my intentions turn into actions?  do they know about my love for Christ, for them? surely my wave & smile is set apart, right? yeah. I know the answer. and I get it, life is busy.  but when will that stop being my excuse.  when intention finally turns into action.  when I let the love of Christ work in and through me and actually listen for what He is calling me to do and do it.

when I stop and listen.  when I quiet down my busy life.  when I welcome you like an old friend, because it is where He speaks and where I listen, sweet silence.

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