Monday, May 3, 2010

It's THAT week!

My house says it all...


It's that time of the year when housework is neglected, I stop eating, and everyone I love wants to stay clear of me.  HAHA Maybe I'm not that bad, maybe?!?!  Let's just say I've got a lot going on this week and things like cleaning my house and eating become the least of my priorities.  Number one priority that cannot be neglected this semester: My Sweet Baby Girl! 

This semester has actually been a lot less stressful than usual.  Liz and I normally make all the costumes, but this semester we found some great prices and ordered the majority of them.  We also have great moms that help us out so I have not had to sew a single thing this semester! I've still made a million hair bows, but  that is nothing compared to having to sew!

That Sweet Little Baby Girl of mine has also been going through a stage called : I DON'T WANT YOU, I WANT MY MOMMY! I'm pretty sure she's too young for this, but she's started having separation anxiety. 


Steven and I went out for my birthday on the 24th and left K with my parents- something we've done many times.  She had recently started crying when other people would hold her, but we just thought it was people she wasn't familiar with. Well.....

My dad calls about 9:30 and asks us if we are getting ready to head that way because K has been crying for over an hour and a half and they can't soothe her.  They think she has a tummy ache so we end date night, swing by Publix and get some tummy drops.  We get to my parent's house, I pick up my child who has almost cried herself to sleep, she turns around and smiles at my mom and sister- not even kidding! 

She's fine when she's with daddy, but anyone else she screams her head off.  What to do, What to do? I feel bad for my parents, sister and everyone else my child wants nothing to do with. Hopefully it's just a- I really just love my mommy stage and soon I'll grow out of it and show everyone else I love them too.  I mean I was the one who wouldn't have anything to do with my own dad for the first 6 months of my life and then turned into the biggest daddy's girl -so I do have hope!

I have to have Honey's help this week, so I'm praying K's over this little stage and will be good for her!

I thought after last semester I would lose that front baby bump.....

But, it still may be there for this recital too :)

Please excuse the messy house, my non-showered self, and goofy smile. I was actually trying to get some housework done and sometimes this is the only way that is possible! 


  1. You both are adorable. The house work will still be there so seize the day and enjoy this crazy week of recitals! :)
