Friday, March 12, 2010

Where has my brain gone?

It still has not sunk in all the way that Steven and I have our own child! Even after Two Months, we still look at each other and say, "can you believe we have a baby?!"  We are definitely still trying to adjust to this new chapter of life, but then I wonder, do you really ever get totally adjusted.  I'm pretty sure parenting is a continuous adventure and no two days are alike, at least at our house.

We loved our visit with Uncle Patch and spent plenty of time together over the few days he was here.  Kate LOVED him and he was so good with her (he even changed a diaper).  Here's a pic of them hanging out together.  My mom and sister normally fight over whose turn it is to hold Kate, but no chance of either of them holding her when Uncle Patch is around :)

Kate's been sleeping so well and we feel really blessed.  She's been sleeping from 11:30-7:30/8 for about 2 weeks straight, but she decided Monday AND Tuesday night that she didn't want to go to bed 'til about 4/5 AM! That makes for a loooooong night!  (Good news- she went to slept Wednesday & Thursday night at 11:30 and slept 'til 7:30 so we're praying we're now back on schedule!)

I've also recently discovered that my brain is gone.  I now know why people say your brain is never quite the same when you become a mommy.  There have been a couple of incidents where I've either totally forgot something or I've had a huge "mommy blunder".  

For instance, 2 weeks after K was born I had to go in for a 2 week checkup for myself.  After we got out of the car Steven says, "I'm gonna take Kate on in, grab the diaper bag and lock the car.  I'm laying the keys on the trunk." Fast Forward to when we're done with the appointment and we're getting on the elevator.  Steven: "Will you go ahead and get the keys out." Me: "I don't have the keys." Steven: "Yes you do, I laid them on the trunk and told you to lock the car." Me: "I locked the car from the inside...oops."  Then we kinda freaked for a mere second, but our car wasn't far from the entrance so we could see that it was still there...whew.  And there were our keys SITTING ON OUR TRUNK in plain sight.  Thank you good people of East Ridge for not stealing our car as we pretty much said "here's the keys go ahead and take it!"

And of course there are the moments when I just simply forget about something and usually wish I would have remembered.  I've forgotten about water boiling on the stove (YIKES).  I've even turned on the wrong stove eye and because my Kettle was sitting on that eye (with no water in it) I burned it up.  The burning smell caught my attention before any real harm was done.  Maybe I should stay away from the stove! My biggest forgetful moment that bummed me out the most: I ordered K the cutest hat from Etsy for her pics with Kristine and totally forgot about it.  I opened up K's armoire a couple of days after our photo shoot and found it- Awesome! I was so bummed out, but was sooooo pleased with all our pics and there's so many to choose from so no big deal. :) I'm really working on flexibility and patience these days- you now the kind that you have to have when everything doesn't go just as you initially planned :) 

And not to leave out how I've been forgetting to eat.  Not smart I know, but I've been remembering well after lunch time "I haven't eaten anything today" Or It will be well into the day and I'll think "All I've had to eat today are carrot sticks and french fries" real nutritious for myself and especially my child! I know, I've got to get better about this!  I'm still adjusting.  

I'm sure there are plenty of other "mommy moments" that I've probably forgotten about :) but these are a couple that I remember.  I haven't forgotten K anywhere yet or walked out the door without her so I guess I'm doing pretty good.  And with her sleeping 8 hours I can't blame it on sleep deprivation.  I guess it's just simply becoming a mommy that's made me lose my brain...hehe no not really, just become a little more "scattered brain." And my husband will tell you I needed no help with that :) But I wouldn't trade it for anything.  And like I mentioned above I'm working on my flexibility and patience because this new mommy needs all I can get!  

Here's some recent pics...I may be bias, but I think she's quite a cutie :) 

Had to get a pic in her cute hate. LOVE those cheeks! 

She really doesn't like her car seat.  So thankful for that paci (made the clip myself)

And of course watching the intense Bachelor Finale with Honey
(They are both nervously chewing on their nails hehehe)

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